It was an emotionally challenging day for the employees of System Logistics – and an experience that will have a lasting impact – when the organisation ANMIL (see box) came to the main site in Fiorano, Italy, on 9 May. Taking as their slogan “Eyes open: for a safer future”, they raised awareness among the workforce of the need to prevent accidents in the workplace. The ambassadors for this important issue were two people who had themselves suffered a serious accident at work, since when they have had to live with severely limiting physical disabilities. In their presentations they not only outlined the circumstances that had led to the accidents, but also spoke very openly and honestly about the many different problems and stresses that both they themselves and their families have to deal with.
When it comes to injuries and accidents, many people think that if something hasn’t happened before, it won’t happen in the future. The truth is that once always is enough; it’s enough to change a whole life, just like what happened to me when I was only 22.
Maurizio BorelliAssociazione Nazionale Mutilati ed Invalidi del Lavoro (ANMIL)